Fire shutters
All marley fire shutters are made to strict manufacturing process and have undergone testing to bs476 part 22, lpcb & CE marked, able to resist a fire for up to 240 mins
All fire shutters can be power coated see (colour link)
Extras include; smoke/heat detectors; battery back-up units; audible visual control panels
Manual fire shutters
Manual fire shutters are hand operated and fitted with a drop weight which is captivated in its own guides and released to close the door via a fusible link. The fusible link is designed to operated at 68 degrees and when fully closed will retain a fire for 240min (tested)
This product is designed to stay open and is not a security product
Max sizes = 2.5m x 2.5m
Tubular motor
Tubular motor fire shutter are electrically operated, the door will be fitted with either an alarm interface panel with audio /visual warning or basic alarm interface designed to lower the door when fire alarm is trigged to contain the fire for 240min (tested)
This product requires a 240v single phase power supply and a volt free fire alarm signal per shutter
Max sizes = 3.5m x 3.5m
Controlled decent
Controlled decent fire resisting shutters are electrically operated and can be fitted with either a fusible link activated at 68 degrees, manual reset solenoid or an electrical reset solenoid all of which release a brake to allow the shutter to close. This product can be fitted with audio and visual warning system and fire alarm interface panels
This product will require 240v single phase or 415v thee phase electric supply depending on size
Max sizes = 8m x 8m

call 01202 366382